Hi Everyone, Hope you had a great Summer break we had some lovely weather so hope you are all rested and looking forward to another busy term.
Many Congratulations and good wishes to Miss Emily and Tom who married on the 25August, it was a truly wonderful day and as you can imagine Miss Emily made a stunning bride, Love & happiness to you both.
CARNIVAL 14September 2019
As most of you probably know this year is Wickford’s 100Carnival!!!!!! Of course Talents will be celebrating with them. We have a large float and we invite all of our pupils to take part. Our theme will be Sleeping Beauty. We would like the children to be dressed in medieval costumes either as servants or members of the court. There are costumes available online for around £12.00 or you can DIY something. Can you please let us know ASAP if your child will be taking part We will need some help with decorating the lorry early Saturday morning, we also need props secured so if any Dads are available with a drill that would be great. And if anyone is really artistic I would love a very big storybook made.please let Tara/Becky know if you can help.
We had an amazing festival at STARZ in May, so many 12&3places. Special congratulations to Rosie Vizard who won Miss Starz Uk – Sophie Gilligan who won The Face of Starz Mei -Lin Sin who won Most promising Dancer. Pure Imagination won Best Dance of competition and well done to everyone who entered as you all helped us win Starz Best School 2019. Well done also to all the students who took part in the All England Dance Festival.
Up-coming Festivals : Starz UK Grand Finale 26October 2019 open to qualifying pupils & groups only.
Platinum Dance Festival 2&3November 2019open to 2018 companies and regular private lesson pupils.
Originally the November festival was to be open to the whole school but as we have had such a busy year, we have decided to move the open festival to the early part of 2020 (Probably February half term) to give the teachers and pupils more time to prepare, if you would like your child to learn a solo-Duet-trio please let Tara know ASAP as this is done on a first come first served basis. This will also be the first time our new companies will be entered, so we are very excited to see them perform.
Very well doneif you auditioned and gained a place in one of our 2019 Companies,
With you’re hard work I’m sure 2020 will be another great competition year !!!!!!
Well done to all pupils who have taken examinations so far this year 100% passes with excellent marks. Our Next NATD Exams will be held on Sunday 29th September 2019.
If your child is due to move up a class, This will happen after our finale session of exams on 29th September. We are in the process of sorting the new timetable, which will take affect in October, we will then start working towards our Bi-Annual show.
Will be held on Sunday 22March 2020.There will be rehearsals and photo shoots most Sundays the 4 weeks leading up to the show with the Technical rehearsal on Sunday 15 If your child wishes to take part in the show, you must also commit to all the scheduled rehearsals.
In July It was Miss Hazel and Miss Linda’s great pleasure to Celebrate with Mr James (former pupil )and his family as he graduated from the Royal Academy of Dance with a BA Hons Degree and his Licentiate Ballet teaching Certificate. Well-done Mr James good wishes and every success for the future.
Summer Workshop make a pop video.
If your child attended the above workshop, Lee is setting up a private you tube channel for talents pupils, it should be done by the end of the week and we will be able to give you a link to view.
As always if you have any questions please ask, this newsletter will be published in NEWS on our website.
Thanks to all our parents and pupils for their on-going support
Have a great Autumn term xxxxx