Chaperone Information

Chaperone  Information

Step 1 ;   Make an appointment at reception to apply for your DBS

Step 2;  Your application will be processed and a copy of the Chaperone application form will be e mailed to you.

Step 3:  Once you have been sent your DBS please scan with your chaperone application form and passport picture and send to        Miss Hazel will then be able to process.

If you already have a DBS that is under 12 months old or has been registered, please follow step 3.

Documents Required for DBS Application

All Documents must be original ( not copies )

One or Two of the following :

Current Passport  – Current Driving Licence – Birth/Adoption certificate (within 12 months of birth )

Two of the following; 

Mortgage Statement – Council Tax Statement –  P45 or P60

issued in the last 12 months

Bank/Building Society   –  Credit card Statement  –  Child Benefit

issued in the last 3 months

At least one of these documents must have your current address

There are other documents and routes you can take, if you do not have the above documents, please check at Gov.UK  Documents you need for a criminal record check.

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